Sunday, January 18, 2009

More Large Hadron Collider Hilarity

Yes - Large Hadron Colliders will, apparently, constitute a large thrust of the comedy/videos on this website. It's been a sub-, sub-genre of comedy long unexploited, and was formed partially to fill that gap. We're gonna be huge in Switzerland. But I digress. As the homie Rakim would say, ch-ch-check out my melody below:

Best Parts:

1. When Audrina goes 'What?' It's an expression of such blank, unadulterated, unfiltered idiocy, like the look on a baby's face when it soils itself. Except, of course, most babies grow into normal, functioning humans capable of carrying on normal human conversations, and Audrina just goes Full Retard on m-effers (word to Tropic Thunder).
2. The long, painful, lingering pause as Audrina's tiny, woefully underdeveloped brain attempts to process the information it just received. You can almost see the half-neurons misfiring as her ceiling eyes slip further upward for a second, sub-consciously looking to the heavens for some help so that she won't embarrass herself, her family, and her father's underperforming sperm by speaking her tiny, miniscule, worthless, redundant heap of quivering grey matter that she passes off as her mind.
3. But, alas, the heavens do not answer Audrina's feverish prayers for help, and she speaks, slaying reason like a mighty warrior of lore. It's so, so awesome.

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