Monday, January 26, 2009

Fox Attacks

Here's a first! Fox, apparently having tired of insinuating that Barack Obama is a terrorist-communist-elitist-Muslim-extremist, or that Michelle Obama is a terrorist-communist-elitist-probablynotMuslim-extremist, have now accused them of shocking, lurid, titillating sexual deviancy.

The undercurrent of all this is the bewildering inability of the media to understand the dap/fist bump/terrorist fist jab. I don't understand it - why doesn't someone, preferably a young person, in one of these sprawling news organizations explain to a higher-up exactly what they're doing? I'm not mad about it, of course - the inability to understand what is going on has certainly been fertile soil for hilarious jokes relating to race, age, and squareness, for lack of a better term - but I am perplexed. In sum, generational divides are teh hilarity.

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