Monday, January 19, 2009

Joaquin in the membrane...

So Joaquin Phoenix - the thespian who gave us Commodus - is giving up a career in movies for a career as a... rapper. He has also apparently given up a career as a shaving, properly dressed human, aiming to instead imitate a cleft-lipped, more unshorn and bedraggled Unabomber. It's a gutsy look. In any case, the first moments of his career as a rapper were videotaped, and they are positively spellbinding. World - I introduce you to Joaquin Phoenix, Oscar-nominated actor, social activist, and soon-to-be platinum rapper.

For those not bowled over by that initial performance, the conclusion to his show was undoubtedly the climax of the evening.

The best part of that last video may not even be the fall, actually. The jumping - he looks like a cross between a half-armed rabbit and an inebriated, bipolar sasquatch caught in the vice grisp of alcohol- and hormone-induced mania - is pure, unsullied brilliance.
And Casey Affleck - Joaquin's brother-in-law - is currently filming a documentary on this. Ohhhh mercy, mercy me. This going to be the best TV. Yeah. Yeah.

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